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  Commercial Insurance Program

A cost effective program to control and monitor the risk of accidental loss or damage is absolutely essential to the success of any business organization in today’s challenging environment.

Our commercial department team is comprised of business development, client servicing and marketing specialists. This department also has access to our experts in claims, loss control engineering and surety.

Our team approach within our commercial department defines our commitment to quality service and our ability to handle the insurance and risk management needs of today’s diverse and growing business sector.

We welcome the opportunity to respond to your insurance requirements and to develop a cost-effective program.

TCI Commercial Team:

• client service specialists serve as the day to day contacts at our offices, with their main responsibilities being risk identification, evaluation of risk treatment options, and the design of appropriate insurance programs;

• marketing specialists negotiate with insurers for the most favourable rates and coverage for our clients;

• claims specialists are responsible for ensuring prompt and fair settlement of clients’ insured claims;

• loss control engineers specialize in the technical aspects of risk identification and control;

• surety specialists analyse and monitor construction clients’ operations and negotiate optimum bonding facilities for these clients.

Niigon Technologies - Moose Deer Point First Nation

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